PTL - Meetings & Events
St. John PTL offers many opportunities for fellowship and giving. The success of our events depends on our parents and teachers giving of their time and talents. Specific dates and times can be found on our school calendar by filtering on the PTL category.
Campfire Kickoff
This event brings our school families and teachers together for fun, fellowship, and games to kick off the start of a new school year. Held right on the school grounds, the Kickoff provides a relaxing, safe environment for parents and their children with a bounce house, dunk tank, food, campfire sing-along, and of course, s’mores! This yearly event is held just before or just after school starts and enables the parents and their children to get to know their teachers and meet other families.

Beef & Pork Roast Dinner
This event is held in October of each year as a fundraiser for PTL. Each year we serve up to 300 guests! The dinner includes shredded beef, pork, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, rolls, milk, coffee, and home-made desserts and pies. Guests can eat at the school or order take-out dinners. The dinner is always delicious as demonstrated by our returning patrons each year!
Fruit Sale
This event is held in early to mid November each year as a fundraiser for PTL and the school. The timeliness of the fruit sale allows families to purchase fruit gift boxes for Christmas gifts. Orders are submitted just before Thanksgiving, and the fruit is delivered just before Christmas. Our fruit includes apples, pears, grapefruit, oranges, and pineapples and comes from a very reputable dealer who gets only the best fruit from growers around the country. Fruit makes a wonderful gift during the holidays!
Berlin Christmas Parade
This event is held each year in November. St. John has participated in the Berlin Christmas parade with a float and candy distribution along the parade route. All families are welcome to help with the float and walk with the school in the parade. It’s a fun event for adults and children alike!
Classroom Decorating
This event is held early in December each year at the school. Teachers, students, and parents prepare decorations for the classrooms and the tree in each classroom for the children to enjoy in the days leading up to Christmas. The event finishes up with a treat in the cafeteria. All families and children are encouraged to come and enjoy the fun!
Birthday Party for Jesus
This event is also held in December each year for the younger children of the church and school. Children make Christmas ornaments, play games, sing, and enjoy a birthday cake for Jesus. This is a great way for children to interact with each other and celebrate what Christmas is all about.
Cookie Walk
This event is held in December on a Sunday between church services. At this event, families can buy holiday cookies made by someone else in the school and congregation. It’s a great way to get a wide variety of holiday cookies without a lot of baking! It’s also a way to give back to the school with your cookie purchases.
Valentine Cookie Decorating
This event is held in February each year around Valentine’s Day at the school. Baked cut-out cookies are provided by donor families, and the children can come decorate the cookies and make valentine cards. The cookies and cards are delivered to the shut-ins. This event is a fun and wonderful service project for the children and families who participate.
Lutheran Schools Week
Lutheran Schools Week is the most exciting event of the school year for many students. Each day is filled with activities to celebrate our Lutheran schools. Events include bowling, a day at the YMCA in Oshkosh, themed dress-up days, a big pep rally, science fair project displays, movie night, and more. Lutheran Schools Week is held in the spring each year.
Timber Rattlers Game & Tailgate Party
This event is held in May each year to bring St. John families together for fun and fellowship. Children can earn their tickets through reading projects/book reports. Along with their ticket comes a free hot dog and drink. Each year the PTL organizes a tailgate party before the game in the stadium parking lot. This event has traditionally been well attended and enjoyed by our families. All are welcome!
PTL Soup Supper
Soup suppers are held in the spring during the Lenten season. PTL sponsors one of the soup suppers where church families can come enjoy supper in the church basement before going to church. Lenten services are held on Wednesday nights starting on Ash Wednesday.