5th & 6th Grade

Mary Jo Pick
- Teaching Experience: 18 years
- Years at St. John: 1
- Degree: Bachelors of Science in Education Elementary/Middle Level
- Past Experience: All Saints Catholic School: 3rd grade and 5th Grade classroom teacher, 8 years, Wisconsin Virtual Academy: 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade virtual teacher 1 year, St. John the Baptist School: 4th and 5th and 3rd and 4th Grade classroom teacher, 8 years.
- Email: mpick@stjohnberlin.org
What is your philosophy of education and teaching?
Every student that walks into my room is a Child of God and therefore, it is my job as an educator to help them focus on their relationship with God and to help them use the gifts God has given them that makes them so special. Christ is the focus daly in our classroom as we go throughout our day. I Feel that God has blessed me with the gift of teaching and therefore, I should use that gift to spread God’s love with my students to help them be successful in my classroom.
What are your thoughts on St. John Lutheran School?
I feel blessed that God’s plan for me has placed me here as part of the St. John’s family, and I look forward to another year in such a faith-filled school. The staff, students and families really make it a special place to work.