Kindergarten and 1st Grade

Ms. Melissa Linse
- Teaching Experience: 10 years
- Years at St. John: 10 years
- Degree: BA Elementary Education K-6; Pre-school Endorsement – Concordia University St Paul 2013
- Email:
What is your philosophy of education and teaching?
I believe that every child has the right to an education. Children are not all equal but they all deserve an equal chance to succeed. It is a teacher’s job to partner with families for their child’s education. As teachers we need to give children an environment that sets them up for success in all areas of life. We need to help children grow academically, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. As a Christian teacher, I am always trying to show Christ’s love through my words and actions and guide them on the right path for their future.
What are your thoughts on St. John Lutheran School?
St John Lutheran School is a community of believers. We care about our students and their families. As a Lutheran school we offer not only an excellent academic education but we also provide our students with a spiritual education where they can grow in their faith by hearing God’s Word daily.