
Mrs. Wanda Potratz
- Teaching Experience: 11 years
- Years at St. John: first year back; I taught at St. John from 1988-1990
- Degree: BA Elementary Education with an Early Childhood minor, Concordia University Wisconsin 1987. Continuing education courses from numerous higher education schools.
- Past Experience: I have taught 11 years, 2 years as Administrator and Lead teacher at Grace Preschool Ripon, WI, 7 years split between Sahel Academy and a French Literacy Project in Niger West Africa, my husband and sons were missionaries in Niger 8 years, 3 years in Lutheran schools, St. Paul Lutheran, Luxemburg, WI and St. John Lutheran, Berlin, WI.
- Email: wpotratz@stjohnberlin.org
What is your Educational Philosophy?
I believe that a Christian education builds a student’s Christian world view. When they come up against hard things and times, they will remember that God is always watching over them and they can depend on him. The students will be a positive influence on their family, community, and the world around them.
What is your thoughts of St. John Lutheran School?
I am blessed to be in a school that Christ is the center. Everyone is serving and supporting families here at St. John Lutheran School. The teachers work together and work hard to encourage the students to live a Christian life. It is a great place to work.

Mrs. Jennifer Billington
I have been a resident of the area since 2014. My husband graduated from Berlin High School, bringing us back to this area.
I grew up in Winneconne and was very active in my youth group at Peace Lutheran Church, Neenah, where we were later married and both our boys were baptized.
When our boys were approaching school age, we put some serious thought into what was best for them. We quickly decided a Lutheran Education was the best and transferred to St. John Lutheran Church and School. Soon after, my husband was called to join the St. John Lutheran School Board of Education and I was called to join the staff as a teacher’s aide. We have been active with St. John since 2018 and feel that we have made the best decision for our family.