2nd Grade

Mrs. Charlotte Fritsch
- Teaching Experience: 34 years
- Years at St. John: 26
- Degree: BA Elementary Education, Minor in Sociology
- Past Experience: 6th Grade Teacher Trinity-St. John, Nashville, IL, 1983-84 | Substitute Teacher, St. Louis Area Lutheran Schools, 1984-85 | Substitute Teacher, High School, Gettysburg, SD, 1985-91 | 1st and 2nd Grade Teacher, St. John Lutheran School, Berlin, 1991-Present.
- Email: cfritsch@stjohnberlin.org
What is your philosophy of education and teaching?
I believe that every child has a right to learn. Therefore, it is my privilege to share the love and knowledge of Jesus with each child whom God lead into my care. I hope to guide each student to their God given abilities and potential in all subjects. I enjoy watching each student grow in their faith as a child of God.
What are your thoughts on St. John Lutheran School?
St. John School is a family of believers in Christ. We care about each other and every child that passes through our doors. Our curriculum meets excellent academic standards. We provide an atmosphere of learning, sharing and growing. God’s Word and Grace makes this possible every day, all day.
Continuing Education in the Last Six Years:
- Musical Heritage in the Church, Concordia University, WI
- Handbell Directing, Concordia University, WI
- Voice Lessons, Concordia University, WI
- Canter Reading, Cardinal Stritch College
- Technology in the Classroom, Concordia University MTM Program
- Technology Across the Content Areas, Concordia University MTM Program
- Early Childhood Literacy, Concordia University, WI
Currently, I am serving on the Early Childhood Committee for the South Wisconsin District, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. We host various teacher conferences, organize Teaching the Faith workshops each Spring, and have set up a web site through the Portal for Early Childhood Educators. This site is in the beginning stages, and hopefully, will enable the South Wisconsin District to be a resource for Lutheran as well as secular educators.
In March of 2011, I renewed my Wisconsin teaching license for the next 5 years.