7th & 8th Grade

Mr. Tim Pett
Teaching Experience: 10 years plus 4 years subbing
Years at St. John: 4
Degrees: BS in Secondary Education from Concordia, WI. Major – Broadfield Social Studies and Minor – Sociology and History
- Email: tpett@stjohnberlin.org
What is your philosophy of education and teaching?
My philosophy is slightly different. First and foremost, sharing the Good News of Jesus is the most important. As stated in Colossians, God is in all things. In all we do, it should be for God’s glory. Second, everyone learns in a different manner having different strengths and weaknesses. Recognizing that and helping students achieve to their fullest potential is a must. Showing God’s love in nurturing those abilities is important in the education process. Lastly, I bring a vast amount of life experience to the table. Knowing what goes on in the world helps me to mold different learning experiences. I use those experiences in teachable moments, when possible, and show them how a Christian view is needed in this world.
What are your thoughts on St. John Lutheran School?
I have discovered a Christian family atmosphere here at St John since my arrival. We operate as a family having good days and not so good days. However, we work together in a Christ- like manner to build each other up. I love being able to teach the Gospel in my classroom is the best thing. I am very grateful and thankful that God has called me here to St John for a reason. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.