4th Grade

Mrs. Rachel Berry
- Teaching Experience: 27 years
- Years at St. John: 2
- Degree: BA Early Childhood through 6th Grade
- Past Experience: Trinity Lutheran, Athens, WI, 20 years grades 3+4, Oxford Elementary, Oxford WI, 1 year Kindergarten, Flambeau Elementary, Tony WI, 2 years grade 5, Ladysmith Elementary, Ladysmith WI, 1 year grade 3, Our Lady of Sorrows, Ladysmith WI, 3 years grade 3+4.
- Email: rberry@stjohnberlin.org
What is your philosophy of education and teaching?
Christ is the center of all our lives. I believe that teaching everyone, especially children, about God is my mission. A solid education leads to a success in life. All children should have the right to learning. We are all unique and special in God’s eyes, so I look to Him to help me to meet the needs of each child.
What are your thoughts of St. John Lutheran School?
I’m so happy to be teaching in a Christ centered school which is one large family. Everyone works as a team to make our school and community successful. The thoughtfulness and positive attitudes I have encounter, have make me fall in love with St. John’s!