3rd Grade

Mrs. Janelle Wenzel
- Teaching Experience: 31 years
- Years at St. John: 1 year; I taught at St. John from 1996 – 1999
- Degree: BA Elementary Childhood Education with a minor in early childhood, Concordia University Wisconsin 1992. Graduate courses from UWGB, Silver Lake College, Upper Iowa University, and CUW.
- Past Experience: I have taught for 31 years, 27 of my years have been in Lutheran schools. 15 of my years have been spent teaching 1st grade, while the other 15 years have been in all grades ranging from 3K through 5th grade. While my husband was serving the congregations in Aurorville and Borth, I assisted the congregations in starting a daycare and served as director. I also helped our congregation Trinity, Herscher, IL start a preschool where I served as director and lead teacher for the 4K class.
- Email: jwenzel@stjohnberlin.org
What is your philosophy of education and teaching?
I believe that the teacher exists to help each child develop the faith, attitudes, values, and behavioral habits which should move him/her to be a better Christian in their school, community, and in the world throughout their lives. I believe the teacher should encourage her students to discover their unique capabilities and responsibilities with which the Lord has blessed them, and for developing attitudes and patterns of behavior that will promote a life capable and full of service for God’s world.
What are your thoughts on St. John Lutheran School?
I am blessed to be part of the St. John school family. I am excited and look forward to being able to share my love and faith in God with all the children in my care.