Family Stories
Welcome to the Family Stories page! Here you will learn about St. John Lutheran School first hand from the parents of our students. Our families are the people that know St. John the best. Read through these stories, and you’ll find fellowship, friendship, fond memories, and more. We hope that you will see what’s inside our school and consider someday making a famiy story of your own!

The Schrader Family
Our sons, Rob and Pete, attended St. John Lutheran School for their entire pre-High School education. They benefitted from the Christ-centered, safe, family atmosphere. Our sons have adjusted very well to life in High School, and that can be attributed to their experiences at St. John. The education was exemplary, the technology they had at their fingertips was top-notch, and the opportunities they received in sports was memorable. Their education at St. John has molded them into the young men they are today. ~Mike and Deb Schrader

The Keller Family
As parents we always wonder if we’re doing the right thing, including whether to send our children to private or public school. It was a hard decision, but we chose to send our daughter to St. John’s in 6th grade. That first day we worried all day. Did we do the right thing? I picked her up from school, she got into the car with a smile on her face and said, “You did the right thing, Mom.” I asked her, “What in one day would change your mind?” She said, “I didn’t understand math, so I raised my hand, and Mr. Snow came to my desk, kneeled down, and showed me how to do it.” We did the right thing! ~TK and Jennifer Keller

The Dewhurst Family
We decided to send our daughter to St. John’s at the beginning of her 7th grade year. We were nervous for her to change schools, but it proved to be the best decision for her. St. John’s has excellent religious education, high academic standards, incredible field trips, many different athletic opportunities, and a family-like environment. We feel that our daughter was well prepared for high school and St. John’s was an important part of getting her there. The only regret we have was not starting her at St. John’s in kindergarten. Don’t make the same mistake we did! ~Doug and Linda Dewhurst

The Krueger Family
Nine years ago we enrolled our daughter at St. John Lutheran School as a preschooler. She’s now fourteen, and we’ve seen our three other children follow in her footsteps. They’ve all had the best education at St. John, and their achievement tests prove this year after year. St. John has provided the best opportunities for extracurricular activities – volleyball, basketball, cheerleading, track, and more. Most importantly, our children received the opportunity to learn how to model Christ in their lives. We take great comfort that St. John Lutheran school has helped shape our children academically, physically, and spiritually. ~Terry and Maria Krueger

The Featherston Family
St. John was the BEST choice we ever made for our daughter’s education. Our daughter was entering 6th grade, and we weren’t comfortable with the big classrooms of the local public school. The day she started was the beginning of a wonderful three-year education experience. She was taken in with open arms. We feel that she is more prepared for high school than our other child that didn’t attend St. John. If only we knew what we know now! This school put us at ease every day knowing, without a doubt, that her educational needs were met as well her Christian, emotional, and social needs. St. John Lutheran School, in our eyes, is the best school ever. ~Patrick and Kelly Featherston

The Kilgas Family
We are a ‘homeschooling’ family and believe in it strongly, but we had to face our own personal limitations in that area. That meant we needed someplace special to send our kids. Affordabililty played a role, but we absolutely needed an educational environment that would teach the core subjects of Mathematics, Science, History, and Language Arts from an unwavering ‘Christian world view.’ In short, we needed the next best thing to home, and that was St. John’s in Berlin. ~Andy and Wendy Kilgas

The Dament Family
Josh grew up in parochial schools, so it was a no-brainer to send our kids to St. John. We wanted our boys to get a Christian education in smaller classrooms. St. John school is based on families, fellowship, and spiritual growth. We like the fact that the teachers of St. John will go above and beyond. St. John provides an environment where parents and teachers can come together to promote the ministry of St. John through educational, fellowship, and work activities. ~Josh and Amy Dament